Aaron Douglas, Into Bondage, 1944.

Aspects of Negro Life: An Idyll of the Deep South, 1934, Oil on canvas, 57x138 inches, Art and Artifact Division, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations.
In this image there are people playing the fiddle and dancing. Some are farming.
Aaron Douglas, dust jacket and cover from Arthur Huff Fauset's FOR FREEDOM: A BIOGRAPHICAL STORY OF THE AMERICAN NEGRO, 1927. Collection of Thomas Wirth.
Aron Douglass a well known personality from Harlem Renaissance and a famous painter. Douglas was known for his semi-abstract, hard-edged style which synthesized aspects of modern European, ancient Egyptian, and West African art, and eventually brought him to the attention of W. E. B. Du Bois and Alain Locke, who were pressing for young African American artists to evoke their African heritage and African American folk culture in their art. He wanted people to understand African-American spiritual identity, and, in some ways, he may have succeeded, and Douglas was also famous as the "Father of African American art."
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